Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Magic

Since I'm not sure how much time I'm going to be holed up in my room this Christmas, I decided to invest in some Christmas magic. I don't know that mom understands. On one hand, she complains and makes faces whenever we discuss Christmas decorating. Yet, on the other hand, she encourages the children at times to add more to the mess.

The True Magic of Christmas...The Birth of a Child who was and is our King

For example, on Monday night when Max, Mason and Aurora were decorating the tree, someone asked if we should get more bulbs for the tree. Trying to be considerate of mom, I suggested that perhaps we had enough. Mom disagreed and thought we should continue to add more. I was surprised and mentioned that I thought it may be good to minimize the number of bulbs as would make clean up easier when Christmas was over.

A similar incident happened when we were pulling out the mugs. I wasn't about to argue about that one at all!

The First Christmas Mug of the Season!
When mom brought me my coffee yesterday, I swear it tasted even better because it was served in a beautiful Christmas mug.

It was just what I needed to get into the Christmas Spirit. Now if I can just bake some goodies. That would take the cake!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Dream Come True

It was a dream come true. Breakfast at the Storyteller Cafe with the family and a crew of fuzzy wuzzy Disney Characters. It wasn't Mickey, Goofy or even Donald who can be found at Goofy's Kitchen at the Disneyland Hotel, but in many ways it's better.

Blurry but better than nothing

The Storyteller Cafe has Baloo, Chip and Dale and a few other second class citizens that most of us aren't familiar with. Does it matter? Not to M1, M2 and A1. In many ways, the experience at the Cafe is better than the kitchen. The characters spend more time with the guests and the children didn't seem the least bit disappointed that Mickey and Pluto were no where to be found.

M and Brother Bear...At least we think it's Brother Bear

On top of that, there is the game of "Follow the Leader" in which the characters dance around the dining room with the children in tow, after which they do the Hokey Pokey and a few other old time favorite songs. The whole thing is simply magical. It's what Disney does best...making the experience top notch and worth every penny that is spent there.

Shar and me enjoying the sunshine at the Lego store

The added bonus? The food was plentiful and delicious and the service outstanding.

Breakfast of Champions

The best thing about the morning? Spending it with my family. What a fun time we had.

Disney glasses are the cutest!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Is it Just a Dream?

For the past few weeks I've been living in a fog. It's as if I'm in a dream. I keep waiting for the dream to end.  The whole experience is disturbing. The last few days I've been using the oxygen that Hospice has given to me and it seems to make a difference. As I sit here typing, while I don't feel 100%, I don't feel the need to runaway the way I used to.

Here are my fears. I hate to list them and give them credit, but then I think that by listing them, they lose their stronghold over me. That's ultimately what I want. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy.  Conversations don't seem real so I'm constantly asking everyone if they are really there and are we really conversing.

This is especially true when the communication is occurring via telephone or text message. For example, yesterday Uncle Frank called. I felt so badly for him. He was sobbing and sobbing as he asked for prayer for Blake, Becky and Jadon. After the call ended, I sat there questioning whether the conversation was real. It didn't seem like it, but I know deep inside it was.

I guess that's it. The bottom line is this. Even though I question all of this, the bottom line is I know it's real. Perhaps the point is, I wish it wasn't...wasn't real. Because that would hopefully mean I'm not stuck here in bed talking to myself, experiencing shortness of breath, and all the, excuse my language, crap that comes with it. It wouldn't be so bad if I could write, create art and take photographs when I'm in this state, but I can't.

Bottom line is photos today :(