Last summer, my daughter-in-law applied for a job at a church much closer to where we live. So close, in fact, that it's the same church that my dad attends. After several months of prayer and a lengthy interview process, she got the job!
I was ecstatic. While the new position meant they would live closer to us, it meant they would need to move because the commute would be too much for someone on their income.
As I prayed for the job to be hers if it would be God's will, I told God that if this job was the right fit for her then, He would need to take care of it all for them. Matt would need a job, too They would need an affordable place to live, they would need a place at which to stay if they couldn't find a place to live right away...and so on and so forth. I wanted to lay it all at his feet for what better place could it be?
They moved in with several month's afterwards with the understanding that it would be just for 3 or 4 months. Matt could help around the house with manly chores and pitching in with me when mom needed to just kick back. Let's just say this...some days were diamonds, some days were stone. Tuesday nights we instituted family dinner in which we would all eat together. Everyone was supposed to pitch in with the meal and with the clean up...except for mom and Ashley whom it seemed as if they were always doing more than their fair share. But hey, it worked and when they moved out at the beginning of this month, we were all still talking to one on another.
For a while, it looked like they were going to stay here indefinitely and suddenly just as quickly as they moved in, they were moving out. One weekend they went to look at a place and the next moment, Matt is telling me they will likely be moving in there. The next week, Matthew has three job interviews, the last one he accepts an offer and he's working there in less than a week. I'm praising God, after all, this has everything we asked for from God and more.
The best part of this whole thing was getting to spend time with my two little grandchildren. When I say quality time, I mean quality time. It was so sweet to have them want to come show me how some toy worked or tell me some goofy joke. At times the noise and squabbly got to be too much, but now that they are away, I miss them like crazy.