Friday, June 1, 2012

Photo Heart Connection|May 2012

From the moment I saw this pink bike at the beach I knew I had to capture it. I didn't even care if the owner was around as I walked up close and saw to my delight, the rusted frame and bent basket, all the imperfections that come with age. Some might wonder why the owner didn't buff out the rust from the frame, replace the worn basket. But to others it would lose its value, it's uniqueness, it's richness. It once was young, but now it's not, kind of like what happens to us and that doesn't make it any less beautiful.

This is my photo heart connection. To learn how to participate in the monthly challenge or to see other photo heart connections, click on the link below.


  1. What a fun photo, it definately looks like it has had a lot of good life in its years. I think the owner would have loved that you chose to photograph it. Wonderful!!

  2. Lovely insight from your image. I too get that "have to" take that photo instinct. Glad you were able to, and love the way you cropped your image.

  3. beautiful captured photo...i just love the rustiness of that once beautiful pink bike...i still think it is beautiful, just in another way!

  4. beautiful photo, colors and most of all the wise words and discovery.

  5. Fun! I love the basket that is on the bike - I can only imagine all the things that it has carried over the years. Great capture!

  6. That rusty pink bike has soooo much more personality than the shiny one sitting next to it! I want to know its life history. I want to meet the owner. I love your sentiment, "It once was young, but now it's not, kind of like what happens to us and that doesn't make it any less beautiful." Thank you so much for sharing this in the Photo-Heart Connection!

  7. I agree with Kat's comment, that last sentence you wrote is so true. Embracing our own imperfections.

  8. Beautifully captured! guess i wouldn't mind either to ride my bike with rust on, after all its been there with me for years...

  9. I like this story and your nice bike photo. Love its a pink one.

  10. I love this image and you're so right, the rust is so much more beautiful than the shiny new. Beautiful connection.

  11. The pink bike makes me smile! Someone has riden it many miles and still loves it!! Beautiful photo-heart connection!

  12. Living causing wear and tear... that is what builds character, and this bike has plenty! Great find and capture :-)
