Thursday, March 14, 2013

This is My Life

Day 3 of cycle three was supposed to be a three hour infusion. On top of my 1/2 hour drip of Gemzar, it was time for Aredia which is another 2/12 hours on the chair. No biggie, I had a boatload of work, free internet and my laptop by my side. I was not expecting to have to have a blood transfusion. Two bags of blood = 3-1/2 more hours in the infusion chair.

As it happens every time when I go to the medical center. I go through a series of highs and lows. Thankful I'm still here. Thankful I can still walk. Thankful for my insurance. Thankful for the blessing I've had since this all begun.

In disbelief still that this has happened. That I can't walk the way I used to. That I think about living and dying every day. That my life has come to this, a series of blood tests, doctor appointments, infusions. That I am living with cancer.

Even after 4 years, sometimes it's hard to comprehend that this is my life.

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