Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Lord,

Words cannot express how truly grateful I am for the daily miracles you provide to me. The results of the bone scan came as such a relief. Later that day as I was thinking of Brie’s response the night before to the gift I gave her, I was thinking of you and all you do and how paltry our thanks must be. I must shout my thanks from the mountain tops, just as the woman at the well did, the lame who walked did and the blind who could see did. This morning, I awoke, feeling stronger than I have before and I know it is only by your grace and mercy. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Father, for restoring my strength, for giving me hope, for giving me peace. 

Dear Christie,

Sunday I was able to witness not only your proclamation of faith, but the proclamation of nine other teenagers. To watch by the river side as you stepped into the water and testified that it was your decision to follow Christ is a moment I will treasure in my heart and soul. I pray that as your Aunt, I will help you stay true to that commitment, through encouragement, through example, through prayer. I pray that you will be steadfast in your journey, staying on the path that God has created for you, then your live will be filled with joy and peace with promises of God.

Dear Brie,

I couldn’t wait to see your face when you opened your early birthday present from me. One thing that I have always loved about you is that you know how to show your thanks and appreciation when given a gift. I know you will get a lot of enjoyment out of the tablet, but most importantly, continue to stay focus on school (which is why I got it). I’m proud of the work and effort you’re putting in this semester. Keep it up!

Dear Coffee Republic,

It was good to see you and your cinnamon buns again.

Dear Eliz,

Thank you for taking care of me while I was visiting. I could not ask for a better sister. I love you so much and pray that one day, I can do for you what you have done for me.

Dear Thursday,

You were the one day this week I was looking forward to the least. How could it be that you turned out to be the best? Good news at the doctor’s, the fastest chemo appointment ever, more energy than expected, quality time with my mom and daughter, and to top it off, time in the kitchen baking. Yet as I type this, I know that it wasn’t your doing, but the day was a true gift from God.

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