I suppose you could say that on the weekends, I typically don't sleep in. I'm usually up by seven or eight am. But on the weekdays, I would get up precisely at the time I needed to get up in order to be at work on-time. In other words, I'm not one of those super woman who manage to cram in a load of wash or any other chore before I head out the door. If I needed 45 minutes to shower, dress and have breakfast before I started to work then I would get up 45 minutes early. On days that I worked from home, I would seriously get up 10 to 15 minutes before I had to go online.
For the last month, that has changed. I find myself up and at 'em at least an hour or more before I need to get online. It's become my quiet time. My quiet time used to be simply this, enough time to have a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal all the while no one better look or talk to me. Now my quiet time is reading my devotional, doing a little bible study and then some writing. I relish every minute, every second of this time. And, yes, my cup of coffee plays a very important role in all of this, too.
The whole routine has helped me prepare for the day and get into the right mental state. I go to bed excited about starting the morning.
I'm filled with gratitude for my quiet time each morning.
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