Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Ashley,

Thank you for sending me pictures and videos of the children every now and then. They always lift up my day and make me smile. You are a wonderful daughter-in-law and a blessing in my life. I can't wait to see you this weekend.

Dear Those Involved in the Making of the Movie 42,

From the first previews, I was curious, but then I was afraid that I would be disappointed. Would the movie be too preachy? Too fake? But from the opening credits I was hooked. From the actors to the dialogue to the scenes, there wasn't a moment I didn't enjoy.

Dear Dodgers,

July 13th ranks up there on one of my top ten days of my year. A two hit shut out, a one run win, followed by the screening of 42 where those of us in the cheap seats known as the Pavilion were able to watch it from the field. It was good times. Very good times.

Dear Arlene:

I'm so glad I took you up on the offer to drive. It was a wonderful day, from the car ride to the side trip through Carlsbad, La Jolla & Encinitas, to the ice cream and dinner. I want to do it again and again and again. The honest conversations in the car was perhaps the highlight of the ride. That and being able to take pictures since I wasn't the driver.

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