Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your healing touch, the peace that truly passes all understanding and all those you have put in my path that are praying for me. I know it is by your awesome power that I finally feel some much needed relief from this neck ache I've had. Please Lord, don't stop there. My bent body wearies me. I so long to walk without being aware of each step. Please straighten my body if it would be your will.

Dear Arlie,

When we spoke on Tuesday, I wasn't sure that I would be able to finish decorating my bra as I promised. Just the thought exhausted me and with my neck in the shape it was in, I knew it would take everything I had to finish it by Thursday. But God answered prayer and touched my neck in such a way that I was able to sit at my craft table and finish it. As I worked on it, I wished I had been able to work on it sooner and put more thought into it. But overall, I was much more pleased with the final product than I expected. I hope others are inspired by the journey.

Dear Aunt Sally,

What fun I had taking you to my little section of the Arts District on Saturday. It's those unexpected, spur of the moment trips that often make the sweetest memories. It's been such a long time since it's just been the two of us together. I loved every moment of it. I'm glad you liked the pie, too!

Dear Charmaine,

I'm so glad mom has found a friend in you. A friend that likes to go out and enjoy the moment. It means so much to be able to share those times with the both of you. I just wish I had more stamina this time around. I like that you like adventure...and Home Goods.

Dear Starbucks,

I loved the pink touches you added at your shop to launch the addition of La Boulangerie as your pastry provider, but really, I don't think the extra cost is worth it. The portions are now smaller and the taste isn't any better so why should I pay more. If I'm the darn-good baker I think I am, I'm going to start making my own treats from now on.

Dear Matt and Ashley,

Has it truly been four years since you were married? On the one hand, it seems like just a short time ago, but on the other, so much has changed. Two babies, a new house, a new car, job changes and though it all, I have watched in awe at the way God has continued to bless and provide for you. I know it's been tough at times, but I believe this just makes your bond stronger. The most important part in a marriage is forgiveness. Always remember the love you have for one another and choice to forgive. The next thing you know, you will be celebrating your 50th.

Dear Evergreen Cemetery,

You should be ashamed of yourself.

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