Friday, January 4, 2013

Embrace Life

My Uncle Mike passed away on the 24th of December. At 92-years, he lived a long life and was married to my Aunt Dora for 69-years. To the end, they remained faithful and dedicated to one another.

As we drove to the funeral, my Aunt Sally was bemoaning the fact that she was getting dangerously close to 80-years and not liking the surprise she felt every time she looked in the mirror. While I can empathize, I used my One Word on her and suggested that she embrace life, embrace 80-years.

Later at the funeral service, my cousin read a note that was found in her dad's office. In it, he wrote how blessed he was to be alive, to live his life, and in it, you could feel him embrace all the gifts he had been given. He was 85-years old at the time he wrote the note.

The note was so inspiring. How often do we complain, wasting time and energy when we can embrace the positives? At 85-years, my uncle was still living life, not worried about how he looked or if he was still relevant. He was relevant because he had a family that he loved, he was relevant because he chose to continue to go out and do things, he was relevant because he was giving. Those attributes were apparent from all that was shared by his daughters and grandchildren.

He will be missed.

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