Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Sun Came Out

It was supposed to a rainy Saturday and based on the patter of rain outside my window this morning, there was no reason for me to doubt it. I had already cleaned a good part of my room the night before so I had in mind that I would spend the bulk of the day at home doing a little crafting.

After Brie left for her dad's, I headed out to gas up the car, get a few things at Target and stop for a mocha and salad at Panera after which I would come back home and craft my heart away. By the time I walked out of Panera's the sun was doing it's duty and my mind was heading in a different direction.

My first stop...Old Orange to take some pictures of windows and the facades. During lunch, I stumbled onto a blog, Kat Eye Studio, which has a series on Exploring with a Camera and the current subject is Windows. I figured that it was worth a try. I liked that it wasn't just about taking photos, but the emotional connection behind the shot. I was half expecting to find more clouds as I head West, but the sun was not to be swayed, giving way to bright blue skies and puffy white clouds.

Happily, I listened to that little voice that told me to park in a different area than I normally do and upon walking up towards the center of town, I happened upon the shot I was looking for. A window with two beer bottles on the ledge. Obviously someone left these in a place where they wanted others to see them. Did they drink them standing outside the building or did they sit inside the apartment with the window open? Was it two guys, two girls or a guy and a girl who lingered over the beers as they didn't want the night to end?

There was what appeared to be a family in the alley taking some group pictures so I took a couple of shots of the top of the buildings.

After walking around Old Orange for about an hour, I headed to Newport Beach in anticipation of the sunset. On the way back to the car, I took a few other pictures.

I was not disappointed.

The first set of pictures, I used RadLab Rusty Cage processing. For the ones below, I just increased the saturation.

I know they're really similar, but I love them all. The one below makes me feel like I'm back at the beach staring at the sun. I almost want to put on my sunglasses.

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