Monday, April 9, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday (on Monday)

Last week was such a crazy-good week. I had such good intentions, to explore with my camera, to write, to be in the moment. It would be a week off in which I would really forget about work and take out my DSLR and use it as much as I've been using my iPhone.

Each week Ashley Sisk hosts a challenge in which she provides 5 words that we can interpret with our cameras. Here are my interpretations for the week.

1. New

A blank canvas, new with endless possibilities.

2. Life

A picture of me on a normal afternoon, on a normal day.

3. Fragrant

Driving down a country road in Apple Hills with the top down changed it from just a ride to an experience as the fragrance of the crops and the land filled our senses.

4. Pink

A lovely display of scarves in a store window on Market Street.

5. Obvious

This was the hardest one for me to come up with an interpretation and as I was leaving my sisters, I saw this display which I thought made it obvious as to where I spent most of my week.

To learn more about participating in the challenge and to see other interpretations, click on the link to Scavenger Hunt Sunday below.


  1. What a creative set! Your blank canvas is a brilliant interpretation and I LOVE that red convertible!

  2. Such great interpretations this week - I especially love your first two!

  3. Beautiful shots! I love your new photo, so many possibilities with a blank canvas!

  4. I love your new shot as well... =) esp. with the brick wall! lovely and fun!! ok.. the red slug bug was a great shot too! lol!
